Sydney Nursing School Careers Expo 2022
University of Sydney final year nursing students are warmly invited to attend the Sydney Nursing School Careers Expo 2022 on Level 3 of the Susan Wakil Health Building. Meet with over 20 employment providers, attend an application process presentation and broaden the vision for your life. This is your day to inform your future.
Part 1 | Welcome, Introduction and Application process presentation
Professor Brendan McCormack with Jacqui Cross CNMO NSW Health
Time: 3:30PM - 4:00PM
Venue: Julie Wu Auditorium (D18.03.321) and online via Zoom
Professor Brendan McCormack - Head of School and Dean Professor Brendan McCormack's internationally recognised research focuses on person-centredness with a particular emphasis on the development of person-centred cultures, practises and processes in healthcare. He has a particular focus on the use of arts and creativity in healthcare research and development. Professor McCormack has relocated from Scotland to commence his tenure with the faculty. |
Jacqui Cross - Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer of NSW Health (CNMO) Jacqui Cross has held a variety of nursing roles within NSW Health since commencing as a Registered Nurse at Prince of Wales Hospital in 1990, including Director of Nursing at the Children’s Hospital Westmead. The CNMO is the state’s professional link between the Ministry of Health and the public, private and education sectors of the nursing and midwifery professions. |
Part 2 | Meet the exhibitors
Meet with representatives from local and rural health districts, private and public hospitals, the Careers Centre and more.
Time: 3:30PM - 5:30PM
Venue: Careers Exhibition Hall (D18.03.308-309)
- Learn about employment opportunities in health sector
- Meet inspiring people
- Understand the application process
- Maximise your potential
- Find out what employers are looking for
- Crack the code for an outstanding job application
Part 3 | Nutrition and Dietetics
Meet with dietitians from diverse backgrounds with visionary goals.
Time: 3:30PM - 5:30PM
Venue: Level 4, Event Space, Susan Wakil Building (D18.04.416)
- Maximise your potential
- Chart a rewarding career path
- Find out what dietitians are doing in the workplace